Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 Day 1/366: Rome!

Finally chilling on my double bed in my hotel now :D Was such a hectic and epic day omg! My travel adventures are seriously UNBELIEVABLE. Omg.

Anyway the day started out pretty okay, slept really early (could hear the fireworks but too tired to get up), woke up at 4am and left at 5.20am to catch the National Express coach for Stansted Airport. Arrived slightly before 7am, did everything really quickly like security and all then went to the duty free shops :D Bought some stuff from Accessorize, then walked past Ted Baker and couldn't resist taking a look at the sale stuff ... Was really tempted by the pink Melana bag, they had only one left and I'd been eyeing the Isabow in baby pink since October and this one was really similar if not even nicer than the Isabow cause it doesn't have the bow which is a bit extra. But I didn't want to spend money so early into 2016 LOL. So I went to the Starbucks (last Starbucks since Italy and Strasbourg don't have!!) and got a chai tea latte and sat there while waiting for my boarding gate to show. But I kept thinking of the bag omg. Waited for an hour then realised I had to go to the gate alr so I went back to Ted Baker again to ask for returns policy and all and it was also the last bag in pink ......... And I gave in. OMG. Then I rushed to the gate with all my shopping bags LOL. And my duffel bag was alr freaking heavy ........ Way to start my trip LOLLOL.

Got to the gate and one of the Ryanair staff was selling bus tickets from airport to city centre so I bought one, then the guy behind me bought too but he didn't have small change so I exchanged 2 €10 notes for his €20 note. Then we started talking and he's from SG too LOL small world anyway he's called GQ so we decided to tour around together today cause he was also alone. Boarded the flight afterwards, had an aisle seat at first but the row opposite me was empty so I just asked the flight steward if I could st there instead and he said it was okay so I had a whole row to myself again!! Super shiok hehe :D Flying in daytime has its perks too especially the amazing view of the Alps!!

Landed in Rome, waited quite a long time for the bus so it was already 1430 by the toe we arrived in the city centre. Three was having internet problems and I couldn't get data for the whole afternoon argh. Checked into my hotel, wifi wasn't working either so no internet basically but the room was huge and I also had my own toilet PLUS a huge DOUBLE BALCONY. But I just put down my stuff and went out again cause I was supposed to meet GQ at Barberini at 1600. The metro was pretty easy to navigate but it's €1.50 per ride!!

Met GQ at Berberini Metro, went to see the Fontana di Trevi first but it was so crowded omg. Then we walked to the Altare della Patria and towards the Colosseum. Saw so many ruins on the way it was quite fascinating but now I'm also just looking at Google maps and thinking it'll never be possible to finish seeing all the tourist attractions here by the end of this trip hahaha omg. Anyway by then the sun was setting already so lighting was poor but the Colosseum looked so cool at night!!

Walked a bit more then we were both really hungry so searched a bit and found this place called L'Archetto near us that serves pasta and pizza. I was craving pasta so much haha. It turned out to be a really good decision LOL cause the prices were pretty decent and they had so many different flavours of pasta and pizza!!! We both got a pasta each then shared a pizza and tiramisu for dessert. But the pasta was SO SO GOOD I honestly wouldn't mind going back there again to eat if not for the fact that I wanna try other restaurants in Rome too!!

After dinner we walked towards the river Fiume Tevere then ended up on Ponte Sant'Angelo that leads to Castel Sant'Angelo. A cool thing is that the garden surrounding the castle is shaped like a star just like the Kastellet in Cooenhagen so I would really want to see that!! We didn't go in as it was closed already. Then walked back to the Metro, took a few photos of the Fontana di Tritone at Piazza Barberini then I took the metro to go back to the hotel.

Then this was the epic part. I honestly don't know if I was damn suay or damn lucky but I'm loving my current hotel so I would say the latter LOL. Remember how the wifi in my room wasn't working?? So I entered the hotel, went to the reception area to ask about the wifi and then the lady at the reception (think she's the manager according to a cert on the wall) told me the hotel was going to be closed from tomorrow onwards, when my reservation was for the next 3 days. I was literally like WHAT on the spot cause I'd booked through Expedia and there was absolutely no notification of this AT ALL. And that would explain why the wifi and elevators weren't working. Apparently the hotel had informed Expedia 5 days ago, so we called Expedia and turns out there was broken communication between the Expedia and Expedia UK team. But I was just panicking cause where would I go lol omg?? Of all the stuff that've happened I'd least expected this trip to go wrong cause it was a freaking hotel booking. So they told me I could stay for the night and pay €25 but I'd already paid through Expedia for the whole booking!! Anyway the Expedia UK team went to check and they had someone from the reallocations team to talk to me but the line was so muffled so I was really confused and freaking out. After many rounds of repetition (cause I couldn't hear properly) they finally found me a room at another hotel 5 min away so they would change my whole reservation to that for no additional fees (had to confirm this many times but hoping I won't get some surprise charge on my card uh). So I thought that was the end. By then the lady manager had left and it was only this other guy at the reception so I was gonna ask if I could just get my stuff since I was moving out already. THEN HE TOLD ME I STILL HAD TO PAY THE €25?!?! By then I was literally about to cry cause after so much trouble and distress they can't just demand more money when I'm not even staying there. And ever since the Milan scam incident I've just been really paranoid about Italy in general T_T And I was also really scared that they wouldn't let me leave cause the man seemed really scary and intimidating and he said I had to pay cause they already prepared the room for me and all but I never even touched anything except to put my stuff there. Somehow I told him I'm going to go up and get the stuff and move out NOW then I went up and quickly packed all my stuff, was lucky that I didn't unpack! I was also a bit worried that it could all be a scam so was quite cautious to check my important stuff were all there. Grabbed my bags, went downstairs to hand my key then the man seemed to have a change of attitude suddenly so I cautiously asked again about the €25 one night fee then he said he spoke to the lady or something and that all is sorted. So I could finally leave! He also asked if I got everything and seemed to be much nicer at the end but I was still in a state of shock so I just kept saying thank you then left. What a night!!

Walked to the new hotel which thankfully wasn't too far and actually turned out to be nearer to the metro LOL. Managed to check-in properly (the other hotel didn't even ask for my passport when I checked-in in the afternoon??) but the fax confirmation from Expedia hadn't arrived yet so I was worried I would have to wait even more since it was already close to midnight by then. But luckily it was all okay, still got my double room and this new hotel looks so much more luxurious actually! The double room is amazing, slightly smaller than the other one but really looks great with golden sheets and all LOL. Toilet is also super clean and I have a balcony too!! With a swing but it was too dark so I'll check it out tomorrow. But I guess it all turned out well in the end, even though I'm still in a state of shock over the turn of events I don't believe my luck with travelling seriously I mean what are the odds is such things happening LOL. But yeah, hope all goes well and I'll be monitoring my bank acc to make sure no surprise charges appear or whatsoever. Will update!!

Really need to sleep now hahaha wanna catch sunrise tomorrow and make the most of daylight hours but weather forecast seems like it's gonna rain the whole day noooooo please :( But once again, what a way to begin 2016!!

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