Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 5: Florence

Woke up really really late haha didn't set an alarm cause I was so tired so literally only got out of bed at like 11?!?! But the weather was quite bad it was raining ... Anyway walked to the central station, took me 30 min and my shoes were completely soaked :( Met the guys there but since the weather was so bad we decided to find a gelato place to chill first. 

We passed by the attractions on the way to the city centre but photos turned out quite lousy cause of the rain and poor lighting. And usually the gelato shops are everywhere but they all disappear when you try to find one! In the end we finally found a nice one - Antica Gelateria Fiorentina - and went in and hence begun the crazy gelato spamming at this place. The flavours were all pretty unique and prices start from €1.50 which is the lowest I've seen so far! They had matcha which isn't really common in Italy (or at least not that I've seen any) so I went for that and the pistachio. And it was so good hahaha we all went for seconds - I went for my usual strawberry and this Christmas cake flavour (I think) called datteri e noci?? It was too creamy for my liking but there were nuts and raisins and dried fruits inside!

By then the rain had stopped so we went out again to walk around. Was supposed to get lunch but came across a Chinese restaurant called Xin Wang on the way so ended up eating there LOL. Continued walking after lunch and spotted a watermelon bicycle outside this cafe called Caffè del Borgo and had to take photos with it!! Then we went to Piazza della Signoria and Ponte Vecchio and the river but by then it was starting to get dark so we didn't cross to the other side of the river. Decided to go for ANOTHER gelato and we passed by Brandy Melville on the way. The store is much smaller than the other store but sales had begun!! Almost the entire store was 10-20% off haha dammit I regret buying so much back in November ugh cause almost everything I bought went on sale ......... Also passed by Piazza della Repubblica and the lights were so pretty!!! But then it rained again so we wanted to find a gelato shop quick.

Wanted to try Carabè and Triangolo delle Bermuda but both gelaterias were closed so we went back to Antica ......... And got another 2 gelatos each HAHAHA. I had bacio with biscottino first then regretted such creamy choices so got a small cone of strawberry and lemon sorbet to wash down the taste! By then I was super super full but we wanted to try this place called OK Bar for dinner so we went to the market at Mercato Centrale to walk around first. They were closing by then but we still managed to see some stuff - so many leather bags!!! I bought 3 Cruciani-like bracelets in pastel colours to wear as anklets hehe they were only €1 each while the real Cruciani starts from €10 :( And I haven't even taken out the one that I bought at Expo Milano out of its packaging yet HAHA. The quality was okay-ish, obviously not as good as original Cruciani and it was also lacking the C loop (saw some on the roadside store near the central station with the C loop but no nice colours). But I got them in light pink, light blue and light purple HAHA they actually look pretty dull on their own but really cute all together! Wanna get a turquoise one HAHA gonna look out for them but afterwards I found them online going for like $0.20USD each zzz.

Anyway, we got to OK Bar for dinner and I had spaghetti ragu con bolognese but so full couldn't finish so Uncle helped me to finish! I think it was not bad but still preferred L'Archetto in Rome. We were all too tired so went back straightaway after dinner. I was falling sick so was really cold argh such terrible luck to fail sick in the middle of the trip ...

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