Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 7: Bologna

Finally beginning my solo travels proper here in Bologna!! But can't believe my Italy trip is ending haha sigh and I actually wish I had more alone time cause this was after all supposed to be a break for myself but oh well.

Woke up really late this morning like 10am and stayed in bed until 11am LOL but the good thing about solo-tripping is that NO ONE can tell me what to do HAHA absolutely love the freedom of doing things at my own pace. But it was also nice that time in Germany with XC and Nice with Steph haha because we all like to sleep more HAHAHA. But yeah, felt slightly sheepish for waking up so late when I opened my door and met the B&B owner LOL. And omg the Duolingo Italian courses finally came in useful cause he asked me if I would like to drink coffee so I was trying to explain "non bevo caffè" because "non dolce" LOL. Then he asked me what I would like to drink when I suddenly recalled the word for juice so I said "bevo succo" and he understood!! And he was so nice he even went to take 2 more packets of juice to give me HAHA I guess food vocabulary is probably the most useful when travelling ... But I've also picked up some new phrases and new food vocab HEHEHE really like Italian I've always wanted to learn!

Anyway left the B&B at 12 and omg so thankful once again that it's SO CLOSE to the station. I mean I don't mind walking to city centre but I will mind walking a longer distance with all my current luggage. Stepped out of the station and I felt so so rejuvenated all of the sudden and the sun was shiny and it actually felt warm despite the temperature being only 5 degrees. So yes, the freedom and uncertainty of everything was exhilarating :D I didn't have any plan of what to do but I did mark out a few places I wanted to see and also I had to go see the Brandy so I kind of just walked in the general direction of the city centre. Wandered off to Parco Montagnola and saw a beautiful set of stairs lol so obsessed with pretty stairs. And the best part was there was literally NO ONE on the streets at noon and everything was so clean and calm under the glorious sun I fell in love with this city almost instantly. Calm and serene and just as I like it.

Crossed the road to Piazzo dell'8 Agosto afterwards and saw a few people chilling in the plaza but like no tourists at all?!?! Shiokkkkk :D Also finally no umbrella / selfie stick men LOL in fact Bologna actually gives me a sort of vibe like Strasbourg somehow. I still remember how fascinated I was by everything on the first Sunday I arrived and it was 35 deg and so sunny and everything was so beautiful . Walked towards Piazza Maggiore and saw considerably more people there but still not very crowded at all. Saw the Fontana del Nettuno and the cathedral and the towers then decided to go to Brandy since it was nearby. 

When I got to Brandy even the store was kinda empty too so it was amazing :D I think shopping should be a highly personal activity. I always feel so stressed like ugh when I shop with people cause I would feel really bad for making them wait whereas if I'm alone I don't have to care how long I take. The whole store was having like 10-50% sales and I tried on some jeans and the olive green Rosa sweatpants that I thought wouldn't suit me but turned out not too bad after all!!!i so regret not buying them in Florence cause they were €25 there for some reason omg while here it's €27 after 10% off. Poor decisions sigh. Also tried on the Bruce skirt / Sena skirt (the one with the elastic band) and it's a much better fit than the one without but I already have that one which is the one P got for me from Canada gah so Idk if I should just buy it again with the elastic band. GAH. But I will get the black one on the last day of the trip I guess since it's only €23.40 now, I just don't want to have to carry them around now. Also Basel is having like 20% off storewide until end Jan but I'm not even going there this month on their open days OMG mega sianness. Anyway I couldn't decide between the 36 or the 38 it's always annoying to be in between sizes but I was surprised I could fit into the 36!! Italian sizes are +4 from European sizes so the 36 is actually like an EUR32 omg. I could fit into 36 but it's just the legs aren't very stretchy even though the waist fits me perfectly while the 38 fits nicely if not a bit loose on the legs but quite a gap on my waist. Or maybe their sizes just run big LOL no way am I a W24 now ugh. The staff were really nice too haha and it's still quite funny to see guys working in Brandy but so cool haha. was about to get the jeans when I saw this white cotton button up shirt so I thought maybe I could get it for work or formal events. It turned out slightly too casual for formal attire but the material was SO SO COMFORTABLE and also it was 50% off so only €14.50!! So I decided to get that first and come back for the jeans tomorrow. Turned out to be a good choice after all cause later today I saw a post on BM's insta featuring the same shirt with the Sena / Bruce skirt so now I guess I know what to wear with my skirts!! And oh yes the paper bags at this store are also different from the usual Brandy bags because this one had the store address printed on it so cute HAHA. And I love the Italian stores they always have all the scrunchies in the old floral prints and I'm so obsessed with them lol.

Bought my Brandy then came out of the store and was feeling a bit hungry so I walked a bit more then I spotted a gelato shop called Gelateria Gianni. I don't know why Google maps show the location as that because it's actually like right outside the two towers so maybe they moved or something. Anyway I tried strawberry cheesecake and this flavour called il signore degli anelli which has hazelnuts and it was so good!!! They have a lot of other interesting flavours too so might go back to try more. Then while I was eating I spotted il gelato di San Crispino omg didn't know they have it in Bologna also!! I didn't get to try the honey flavour in Rome so might try it here. Then everyone's been saying Grom omg too many gelatos not enough time ...

Are my gelato and continued walking to San Domenico church and it was so near I arrived even before I finished my gelato LOL. Went inside to see, they have a  museum with free entry inside and even though I'm not religious I like the calmness of old churches. Didn't have anymore places to see after that LOL Bologna is really small haha so I went to look at postcards for inspiration LOL TRAVELLING HACK HAHAHA. Was quite hungry by then so walking around to find a restaurant but it was an awkward timing like 4pm so not many restaurants were open. Also saw a Cruciani store they are so pretty and I'm so obsessed lol! Ended up at this restaurant called Mangiassieme in the end cause it was one of the few open and I was planning to go back early cause it was so cold and cloudy (no more sun) and I'm really quite sick (argh fml) so wanted to have an early dinner and rest early.

At Mangiassieme it was quite empty like there were only 2 other people in the restaurant but that suited me fine. I learnt the word yesterday for one person that is "solo" so it came in useful today hahaha. Got a spaghetti bolognese since I am in Bologna after all LOL. But my sense of taste is probably messed up from my cold so I thought it was not too bad but the spaghetti could've been softer. Had a panna cotta to follow hehehe was good but probably not so good for my throat lol. There was no service charge but they have coperto here which was something I've not seen in a while! So that concluded my first solo meal in Italy haha I know eating is an inherently social activity but eating alone actually made me eat much slower and enjoy the food more cause I can take as long as I want!

Was contemplating to visit Brandh again after dinner but too far so came back to the B&B. Finally had cash so could pay my city tax. Then just laid on the bed and fell asleep lol and now I've just showered and gonna go back to sleep again cause I have a headache :( Hopefully I can recover before Milan omg ...

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