Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 8: Bologna

Last day in Bologna today! I actually really really love this place :) Meant to wake up at 9am so that I could go up to San Michele in Bosco during their opening hours, but ended up oversleeping until 11am hahaha so only left at about 12.20pm LOL. It was an hour's walk to the church but on the way I passed by Piazza 8 Agosto and there was a market there! So I googled and apparently it's a Friday/Saturday thing haha so lucky I caught it! But the weather was good so I wanted to get to the church while it was sunny.

Climbed up the hill to get to the church and arrived at the viewing point at about 1330. The view was so amazing and it was sunny! But really foggy so visibility was low. But it was nice hahaha. I perched myself up on a ledge at the car park and literally just sat there for like, half an hour LOL. 3 bus 30s passed by while I was sitting there hahaha but it felt so nice and peaceful. There were little people if not no one except for people waiting for the bus. So yeah, just sat there and took out my juice to drink LOL while facing the view. Felt so good but so good. Stayed there until about 1415 and unfortunately the fog didn't clear so I left reluctantly. The sun was also gone by then and I got a shock when I saw a building that was bright orange in the sun suddenly became really dark and scary looking LOL.

Took a leisurely stroll downhill and back to city centre and I really wanted to use the toilet so I stopped by this cafe on the way to get a snack as well. It's an espresso bar called BIOS and the owner was so friendly! He recommended me to try the mortadella sandwich, which is actually a local speciality. Mortadella is an Italian sausage originating from Bologna. So of course I had to try it since it's a local thing. I also got a hot chocolate and asked for soy milk to it and very thankful that I knew enough Italian to at least say "non bevo latte" LOL. Apparently it was the first time he made the hot chocolate with soy milk but he said the texture turned out good and sure it did! Also had chatted a bit and learned some Italian words like "mercato" for market and "felice anno nuovo" and how to pronounce words! He introduced himself as Bruno at the end when I was leaving and we shook hands. Love encounters like this when solo-tripping! Felt very very inspired hehe.

Walked towards city centre and went to Brandy to buy the jeans. Spotted this other lattice front dress in burgundy at 50% off and tried it on and it looked so nice!! So I bought that and the jeans. The staff recognised me I think HAHA. After that I went to see the library cause the interior designs are super nice! Then wanted to get a gelato and I actually walked all the way to Grom already before realising that I should actually try the San Crispino one since I don't know if they have it anywhere else besides Rome and Bologna. But totally didn't expect to see it here I thought it was just Rome! So I turned back and went back instead since it's near Brandy. Got the San Crispino flavour which is actually miele al crema (honey in cream) and also had clementine sorbet to go with. Weird combi but really refreshing HAHA I want to become a gelato pairer LOLLOL.

Was quite dark by then so came back to the B&B to put down my stuff then went out again to catch the market before it closed! The stalls were all packing up by then but luckily the bracelet store was still open and I got my rainbow bracelets. Saw them this morning for only €0.60 as compared to €1 everywhere else haha perks of being in a smaller city. Then browsed around a bit for phone cases but didn't see anything that caught my eye. Went back to the Chinese restaurant again to get takeaway for dinner cause I miss Chinese food so much haha it does taste like homecooked food!! Then came back and met the B&B owner again and he gave me 2 more packets of juice and I asked about check-out for tomorrow. Ate dinner and then been basically chilling and finding new music on Spotify and Shazam. Need to pack cause leaving tomorrow but omg I love Bologna sad to leave!!!

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