Sunday, January 3, 2016

Rome: Day 3

Eating my takeaway pasta in the hotel now and I swear it's so good?!?! I bought 2 slices of pizza from the same shop too on my way back and they were good too I think better than yesterday's dinner at the restaurant HAHA. Funny how one of my best meals in Rome was just from a random shop.

Anyway today was a relatively chill day! It's the two guys' last day in Rome so we didn't have much planned. I woke up really late at 10 and missed the hotel breakfast cause I thought it was until 11, but the lady was so nice she still let me in to get food so I just thought I'd bring the food to my room to eat so I won't mess up a table but then she gave me a proper tray to put everything on and also asked if I wanted drinks! So I had a nice quick breakfast in my room. Also asked if it's possible for me to get a takeaway breakfast tomorrow as my train is really early, and they said they'd prepare a box for me so I shall wait and see!

Met the guys at 12 at Termini to take the metro to see Villa Torlonia which was 2 stops away, but it turned out to be slightly disappointing as there wasn't much and the weather in winter isn't that great. Decided to walk over to Villa Borghese which was a lot prettier but sadly we didn't have much time there as the guys had a train to catch. We walked to the Spanish Steps from Villa Borghese and I wanted to go up the steps but the guys didn't have time so we went for the gelato instead. Had another gelato back at Gelateria Valentino and got smoothie flavours this time - strawberry and banana! The shop people were really nice and they recognised us from yesterday!! I kept wondering about the honey flavour gelato that Andrew recommended but then realised it was actually another gelato shop just round the corner - Gelato di San Crispino. The prices are slightly more expensive and I'm not that much of a fan of cream flavours anyway and also didn't want to ruin the lovely fruity aftertaste of the strawberry and banana gelato so didn't try it. Might probably come back the next time!!

The guys had to leave after that so after I said bye to them I went back to the Spanish Steps. Turned out to be the right choice cause the view up there was absolutely amazing! I went up the steps of Fraternita Monastica Delle Sorelle Di Gerusalemme to get a better view of the city and it was so beautiful. When I first went up there was no one there except for a sporty couple doing leg lifts (??? The one where you hold onto something and lift your legs 90 degrees perpendicular) against the scenery and they asked me to take photos of them together. In return I also asked them to take photos of me HAHA and it's true based on experience photos by strangers usually turn out the best ... Stayed a bit more but more people were starting to come so it was harder to get a better photo. Then this other couple was taking photos of each other then they wanted to take one together by selfie-ing so I offered to help them and in return they asked if I wanted a photo too! So of course I said yes (never rejecting photo opportunities) and by then the sky had cleared up already so the photos turned out really nice except for the poor lighting of the iPhone 5 camera but never mind :D Finally experiencing the thrills of solo-tripping!! Haha but it was fun having the company of Uncle H and S around LOL.

Walked back to the metro and took to San Giovanni since it's near the hotel anyway but not much. Saw a glimpse of the sunset it was pink I should've stayed longer at the Spanish Steps haha!! Then walked back and got the pasta and pizza takeaway on the way back. Btw the shop is called Pizza e Kebab on Via Emanuele Filiberto near San Giovanni Metro. The owner was really nice and he asked me where I'm from so I said Singapore, then he asked if he could take a selfie with me cause he wanted a selfie with a Singaporean LOL. But yes the pizza was so good hahaha and just finishing the pasta now!!

Going to sleep soon and need to pack oh man leaving Rome tomorrow! I've only visited 2 out of 5 Brandy stores here and my timing is so bad because the sales in Rome start on 5 Jan Tuesday but I'm leaving tomorrow gah I have no luck with these!!

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