Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 6: Florence - Bologna

In Bologna now!! Everything went pretty smoothly today hehe.

Woke up quite early cause had to check out by 10am, so I was up by 8am but just nua-ed in bed until like 9.30am HAHA. But I didn't have much to pack anyway. Left my bags in the reception downstairs - they were so nice! - then was supposed to meet the guys but I wanted to stop by Brandy near my hotel first. They were also having sales but this store was so much bigger! And I found the sale rack downstairs!! Can't believe I missed it the first day omg. Anyway I got 5 tops and 1 dress at a steal of €69 - all the tops were €10 each and the Laurel dress was only €19! And also my Sena skirt went on sale as with all the stuff that I bought last year SIGH 10% is a lot when you add everything up. But the accessories weren't on sale so okay. I'm still not wanting to buy too much gonna wait for Bologna and Milan. And the Rome store started sales on 5 Jan, one day after I left omg. I saw on their Instagram page and the jeans are going for €15 only?!?! Bad timing as always omg T_T

Anyway, bought the stuff then went to meet the guys at the Mercato Centrale market cause I was supposed to get ties for CW. The ones at the market are €4 each and €10 for 3 but I later passed by a store that was €3 each and €10 for 5 after I'd already did bought T_T But okay they didn't have as many designs as the market and the designs weren't that nice either. After that we crossed the Santa Trinita bridge to get to the other side of the river as the guys had found a nice lunch place near their hostel - Trattoria La Casalinga.

The restaurant was really full when we arrived at 1215 even though they technically only opened at 1200. We were lucky that we arrived early as their tables were full from reservations but we managed to get one table that was reserved for 1330 as Long as we finished before 1320. We got a first course pasta each then Uncle and I shared a fillet steak while Sean went for another steak. They both loved the steaks hahaha I'm not that much a fan of meat plus I'm sick so couldn't really appreciate the food ... I think the texture of the steak was just nice but it left a meaty raw taste in my mouth so I had to get rid of it by eating the lemon slice LOL. The desserts looked really good too but I was really full (lack of appetite from the cold) plus we didn't have time so didn't get to try. But the guys absolutely loved the place HAHA so will highly recommend!!! I'll defo go again when I go back to Florence.

Made our way towards the Piazzale Michelangelo after lunch. Passed by the Pitti Palace and the Bobali Gardens and Forte Belvedere but didn't go in cause we just wanted to see the panoramic view HAHA. The climb was so horrible omg!! Plus I was carrying my Brandy shooing haha was panting while going up the slope omg. Then when we arrived at the piazzale there was still many flights of stairs omg but Uncle was so nice he took my bags for me! But when we finally  reached the top the view was absolutely amazing and worth the climb - finally understood why so many people say Florence is beautiful hahaha. And the skies cleared up just as we were there so got some blue skies yay!

After that we crossed back the river and I went to buy the ties then we went back to the same gelato place (Antica Gelateria) and basically concluding Florence with 5 gelatos from the same place LOL I didn't even try any other gelato?? Was supposed to try the gelato at the Santa Trinita bridge under Andrew's recommendation but the guys said it was ex and we didn't pass by on the way back. But yes highly highly recommend this Gelateria HAHA. After the gelato we parted ways - the guys were heading for Venice while I was heading for Bologna hahaha so much for solo-tripping?!?! But it was nice having good company for the past 6 days and brilliant photographers to help me take photos HAHA though I'm really really excited to finally begin solo tripping in a new city!!

I went to the central station to buy a bus ticket then took the bus back to the hotel to collect my luggage. Had to repackage a bit cause of my Brandy shopping. Anyway hotel review time again! The hotel I was staying at is called Hotel Masaccio and I believe it's a family-run one? It's not really big but they have a restaurant too. I think I only booked it cause it was close to the Brandy store LOL and it was close to bus stops. The first impression wasn't impressive haha but it turned out to be a really lovely stay! It's a 1-star hotel so the city tax was a LOT cheaper than Rome - €1.50 per night so only €3 total and now I wish I stayed longer in Florence HAHA cause I had the impression Florence is more expensive than Bologna but oh well. Anyway the room was pretty nice, I didn't have my own private toilet but the common toilet is shared among 3 rooms on the same floor and there was a sink in my room so it's kind of like student halls. The single bed is more like a queen-size double or at least a super single LOL. And most of all the people were really nice!! Like one of the staff he didn't speak much English but he'd always say hi when he saw me haha. So all in all it was a pretty decent stay! Apart from the location but that was an oversight on my part, I think I will get somewhere closer to the central station if I go again!

Anyway I managed to catch the 1708 bus to the station - was really packed because of peak hour I guess. Arrived an hour early at the station for my train but better to be early than late ... Waited until past 1800 for the platform number to appear which was really long considering the train was supposed to depart at 1815. Boarded the train and the journey was pretty short - only about 30 min so arrived in Bologna quite quickly. I was proud of my choice for Bologna accord cause it's so near the station!! It's a B&B and check-in was pretty smooth and there's so much food!! And my room is huge again hehe I will do a proper review once my stay is over!

Rested a bit while waiting for my phone to charge then went out at 2030 to get dinner. Wanted to try a restaurant that I found at first but it's so cold and I was too lazy to walk over then I saw a Chinese restaurant on the way so I got a takeaway instead LOL came all the way to Italy to eat Chinese food HAHA. I got a 馄饨汤 and a 西红柿炒鸡蛋盖饭 omg been such a long time since I had Chinese food!! And it was really not bad haha tasted like home-cooked stuff!!

Going to shower now and sleep early and hopefully I will recover tomorrow!!

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