Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year :>

Happy CNY! Rainy view from my place sigh times like this I really miss sg a lot and this was the loneliest / most depressing CNY Eve I've ever had in my whole life :( Miss watching 春晚 back home with the fam even though I always get distracted at the parts I'm not interested in HAHA. And eating dumplings and snacking and eating MANDARIN ORANGES and how my dad would let us drink as many cans of Coke as we wanted even though I don't drink Coke so mom always bought other drinks for me. First out of at least 4 years of CNY abroad. I never thought of moments like this when I made my decision back then.

Anyhow I have just watched the whole 5 hours of 春晚 alone and skipped the 京剧 parts because I really cannot understand ... Also substituted bubble tea with 80p milk tea from Chinatown and mandarin oranges with clementines sigh student life HAHA I am going to sleep now because I have a tutorial at 10am tomorrow. Always good to prepare early I did my prep on Tuesday so that I could free up Thursday night to watch the show hehe. :> Happy prosperous year of the Horse!

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