Friday, January 31, 2014


Happy day 1 of CNY! No holiday for us so I still had 2 tutorials today :< Went to Oxford Street during my break because I had to return a top at Topshop and came back with 3 bags from Zara, H&M and Topshop. H&M is having 20% off for students so I bought a basic T-shirt and a blouse that was on sale, and bought a cami from Topshop which was size 0 and still fitted fine LOL. And 2 skirts and a mini skort from Zara! I know I have it back in sg already but it was only £9.99 and I figured I wouldn't have to wait until summer to wear it.

No OOTD today because it's too cold to dress up and lighting was bad since it was dark and raining. So jelly of everyone who's been posting pictures of their glamorous outfits (SKIRTS AND DRESSES WITH BARE LEGS I cannot begin to express how much I dislike wearing tights or any fabric on my legs) / GATHERINGS WITH FAMILY FRIENDS RELATIVES / ABUNDANCE OF FOOD. Sigh. My highlight of the day was dinner with hallmates at Leong's Legend in Chinatown. Been craving Chinese food for so long and finally had some today!! I was too busy eating thus explains the lack of photos as the meal progressed. It was really good though, prices are around standard London Chinese food price aye.

Ended the meal with a kiwi smoothie from Boba Jam. They're really generous with the jelly and the poppings omg I love the poppings they are amazing.

Really tired now so good night!! x

Happy Chinese New Year :>

Happy CNY! Rainy view from my place sigh times like this I really miss sg a lot and this was the loneliest / most depressing CNY Eve I've ever had in my whole life :( Miss watching 春晚 back home with the fam even though I always get distracted at the parts I'm not interested in HAHA. And eating dumplings and snacking and eating MANDARIN ORANGES and how my dad would let us drink as many cans of Coke as we wanted even though I don't drink Coke so mom always bought other drinks for me. First out of at least 4 years of CNY abroad. I never thought of moments like this when I made my decision back then.

Anyhow I have just watched the whole 5 hours of 春晚 alone and skipped the 京剧 parts because I really cannot understand ... Also substituted bubble tea with 80p milk tea from Chinatown and mandarin oranges with clementines sigh student life HAHA I am going to sleep now because I have a tutorial at 10am tomorrow. Always good to prepare early I did my prep on Tuesday so that I could free up Thursday night to watch the show hehe. :> Happy prosperous year of the Horse!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Topshop Loots • Online orders from last week

Yay for half-days on Wednesday :> Had econs lecture in the morning, then went to the library to print notes but the readings for next week haven't been uploaded yet. I did manage to find a link to access the past year papers though so that I could check the paper dates HAHA so French is pretty early like end April / early May with ESPS, then econs is some time before mid May. But I don't mind because that would mean I start holidays earlier! And also managed to oovoo the strings girls just now after I came back! So good to see everyone again even though we're gonna be in 3 different continents really soon. :(

Finally have time to post about my Topshop buys ahaha they actually came on Saturday but I didn't have time to try them on until this week! 

Topshop Strappy V-Neck Cami in Sunshine Yellow, Topshop Textured Crop Top, Topshop Navy Check Velvet Shorts, Topshop Black Velvet Teddy Playsuit

The only reason I bought them online was because Topshop was having free delivery last week, and also because all of these pieces couldn't be found in store anymore. I don't usually try on the sizes because my sizing is quite standard, so it was pretty convenient for me. I almost bought the navy check velvet shorts at the outlet, but there was only one last piece left and the hem of the pockets were kind of damaged so I went online to check if there was still stock, and yes there was! The cami was a basic that I couldn't pass because it was one of the last few nice colours left in stock in my size, and anyway it's so easy to match! I already have it in a few colours but I want more hahaha.


I really love this playsuit! Looks super plush and comfortable, and the lace details on the neckline and the hem are really intricate. I think the sizing runs slightly bigger for this though because it is quite long for a romper, but at least the straps are adjustable so it's not too bad.

This was an unexpectedly good purchase because I initially wanted a basic, but the material of this is so good! It's actually a textured material, so it's quite thick and you can tell that the quality is good, The V neck isn't too low and the back is a V back too. It's also not that cropped for a crop top which is just the way I like it.


Miss Selfridge Scallop Lace Mini Skirt in Teal

I love this skirt! And it was actually slightly cheaper because Miss Selfridge was having 20% off for students last week. As usual I somehow managed to spot the last piece in store. The colour is a lot more vibrant in real life, though it's a bit hard to match with black tights. I miss the skirt-with-bare-legs weather!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sick :(

Called in sick today because of my fever and rash! Had been having this recurring mild fever every night since Saturday so I've been sleeping early, but I woke up yesterday morning with slightly swollen fingers and then this rash appeared on my fingers ... looks like insect bites / allergy reaction. So I went to the GP this morning and waited for about an hour and didn't get much helpful advice ... apparently the practices don't even have a pharmacy counter? Really miss the times when I could just go to a clinic and be seen in a few minutes without the long wait, I mean yes the free healthcare is attractive but when you're sick you wouldn't really wanna wait around feeling ill for such long hours. And I only found out that the walk-in timings are only around for like 2 hours on Mondays - Fridays only, which was why I had to wait until this morning to visit the clinic again ... this inconvenience is one of the things I dislike about living in the UK ugh.

So anyway I couldn't go for French today which was really sad because 1) I had prepared 2) I was going to miss the petit test 3) I just broke my perfect attendance streak for French. Also when you think about it paying so much for tuition fees every year makes it really painful to miss even one hour because that probably accounts for a few hundred pounds x_x

And I was informed by HX today is MJ's Daisy Day and it's just at Covent Garden and I would've really wanted to go :( What an awful timing to fall sick with CNY just around the corner. I'm currently feeling better but the rash is still acting up, but I hope the fever doesn't come back tonight and that the rash will go away soon. Gonna revert back to my A levels bedtime at 10.30pm from now onwards because I really do need that much amount of sleep.

Anyway I had a really great lunch with E, A and YX yesterday! So good to see these girls again haha we're always so busy with school. We went to the ULU cafe/restaurant, which is on the 1st floor (technically 2nd I always get so confused here in Europe) and apparently it's really popular among students but it was my first time trying! The prices are pretty alright (around £5-6 ish) so it's worth a try if you're looking for a decent meal for lunch. I had the sweet and sour pork, which was really nice but there was too much sauce so it was a bit sour for me at the end! But yay rice!


After lunch we went back to school and A and I went to the main library to study before the lecture ... but not before we stopped by the waffles stall! Barclays was having an event to promote the Student Volunteering Week (24 Feb - 2 Mar) this year, so they were giving out free waffles on campus! Really nice gesture in the cold winter hehe :>

I'm going to go back to my reading on Enlightenment soon, but here's a substitute for bubble tea I found:

Only 80p as compared to Chatime :( This will have to do until I return to sg in summer!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Zara Loots • Part I

Top row: Zara TRF Polka Dot Jegging, Zara Tulip Skirt in Blue
Bottom row: Zara TRF Printed Mini Skirt, Zara TRF Tropical Print Tube Skirt

The jeggings: I remember eyeing them since I saw them in SG! I actually went to find that photo which I took as a note to myself to find it when I came to London and yes, I found it :>

(Taken 16/08/2013)

The tulip skirt was a brilliant purchase too, I tried it on in SG but was put off by the price ... and now it's £9.99 only and in the exact colour / size I wanted! The orange was pretty nice too but I only saw a size M, and they have it in black as well which I may go back to get since it's an essential basic. The bottom row skirts were so pretty!! Never mind that I have so many tartan / plaid / floral skirts already, I don't mind an extra in ombre / oriental print hehe.

I really love the floral jeans too, but had to return it as they were too short :< Fitted like a L30 or something and it was a really awkward length above my ankles since I normally wear L33 (yes, even L32 is too short for me). They were £9.99 though! I would've kept them if they had fitted.

Past 2 days!

Was really busy for the past few days haha had a great time meeting up with SL on Thursday and Friday! Really happy whenever friends visit London :D

Had work in the morning until 2, and the sunrise was really pretty on Regent Street. :) 

Managed to pop by Topshop after work and bought 4 camis, then went for my seminar which ended at 4 and met SL after that! She was really sweet and bought my favourite Millie's cookies haha :'> Toured around the school and my hall, then we went out for dinner at Covent Garden. Finally had the chance to try Shake Shack in Covent Garden! I had the classic which costed £5 + crinkle fries for £2.50 (everything was a la carte there) , and it was really good because the bread was soft and so was the cheese, because it isn't as dry as some burgers. The only thing was that the serving was rather small as the burger was quite tiny, which was a bit costly. Also it became quite cold as there weren't anymore seats indoors, so we sat outside but somehow halfway they turned off the heater :<

Walked around Covent Garden and went to Zara after that and bought a ton of stuff ... Managed to find my Zara tulip skirt in blue on sale for £9.99! I remember seeing it in SG and trying it on and then putting it back because it was $70+ and even more expensive than my skorts, but now I've found it on sale, last piece and in my size! Also bought a pair of polka dot jeans (another piece that I've been eyeing since seeing it in SG), a top and 2 skirts for £3.99 each. Cannot describe how I love Zara sales ^_^ I honestly need to do a shopping hauls post for everything soon HAHA but no time ... Oh and we went to Zara on Oxford Street too and I almost bought the other asymmetrical skort in blue but the queue was too long and we didn't have a lot of time. Zara also has lots of nice basic denims and I really want to go back to get a pair haha. Went to Topshop again but not much stuff because everything was out of sizes, then we came back.

Finally bought my batteries for my instax on the way and at first I thought my camera was spoilt but turned out that I had put one of the batteries in the wrong way. My neighbour R was very kind to help us take photos hehe I love Tinkerbell instax!

Had tutorial in the morning, then went to Charing Cross to meet SL and TJ for lunch. We got there quite early only to find that they only opened at 12, so we walked around a bit first and went to the National Gallery (?) that's along Charing Cross Road. Love how all London museums don't charge you for entrance fees :> And I really want to visit the British Museum soon hehe. Went back to Byron's at 12, ordered lunch. I had the classic burger and onion rings, which was decent but I find that Byron's burgers tend to be rather dry so I thought Shake Shack's was better (and cheaper) but then again their serving size was bigger too. The onion rings tasted good at first but towards the end I really couldn't finish because it was so oily, it was practically dripping and oozing oil out when I ate which was quite gross so I didn't finish them.

Walked about Chinatown after that and then I had to leave for work so I didn't get to try Princi on Wardour Street! It looked really good though haha mental note to try it soon. But I'm glad I got to meet up with SL and TJ haha always feels good to meet friends here :>

Work ended early at 6, got a text from the boss saying office will be closing early so that was a good thing because I managed to go back to hall for dinner (they were serving biryani again and it was really spicy this time). Then went to Camden with hallmates for grocery shopping and it was cold and rainy and felt like Edinburgh times again except this time we were coming back from 99p store and Lidl's instead of Tesco Extra HAHA our hall's definition of outing is to go grocery shopping LOL. Also found my batteries like 5 times cheaper sigh now I know where to go next time when I need them ... And I bought a ton of food too haha whoever who says I don't eat needs to take a look at the amount of food wrappers in my dustbin.

I will do a hauls post soon once my Topshop orders arrive x

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday / Shopping

Terribly busy day today; had macroeconomics lecture in the morning, then came back to hall to do laundry which was especially tedious since I washed my bedsheets today and had to separate a bunch of whites and my singsoc shirt got stained by my dark clothing and had to rewash ... such is student life abroad alone. I also completed a few errands - made a trip to the post office and the Topshop outlet hehe more hauls I will dedicate a post to them really soon! The stuff was actually quite disappointing though, I supposed lots of items got sold out already even though sometimes the sizes may appear back in stock on the site. Topshop is also having free standard delivery on UK orders until Friday this week so I took the opportunity and ordered a pair of shorts which I couldn't find in store, a cami and this velvet playsuit. I find their sizing to be rather inconsistent at times because the satin cami which I bought in PETITE seemed to be the same length as the one from the normal range ... But it's a good thing since it was the last piece and in my size and it fits fine!!

Came back just in time for hall dinner and went for string orch rehearsal, got back and laid the bedsheets properly / packed room and stuff. Now I'm about to get on with my political economy readings but I just remembered that it's the last day that Tobi is having free worldwide shipping and to my dismay the dress I wanted got sold out already :(

Anyway voila I have just placed the order for the other 3 items I wanted hehe even though I'm not going to be able to get them until June ayeee. And also they were only left with mint but I would've preferred lilac so NEVER MIND.

Work tmr morning then seminar and then meeting SL for dinner tmr!! Looking forward to it hehe love meeting up with friends in London :>

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First post in a long time.

I don't know why I restarted the whole blogging thing again HAHA I guess it's more of to improve my writing because my thoughts are honestly rather incoherent at times. Really busy with school these days! And a few days of the work trial too, I need to start funding my own expenditures ... still trying to look for a suitable journalling platform that's easy to use and not too many restrictions, I just want a minimalist site and VSCO is actually perfect if not for the 160 character restriction like Twitter ... LJ has too many formatting issues, and blogger is just blogger and now it's linked to google too, Dayre is just difficult because I have to type it on my phone. I have problems navigating with Wordpress LOL and Tumblr is kind of difficult to link and all the reblogging and stuff ... DK haha useless worries. Nvm trying back blogger now!! I would love to fix up my own blogskin again but I have probably forgotten all of my HTML stuff.

Went Chinatown with XP and C after French today! Really love my timetable this term haha and it allows me to manage my time better too. Was craving milk tea so bought back 6 cups + 4 cups of jelly + some jasmine tea and Thai pocky. A lot of food in the supermarkets!! But so expensive compared to China / sg haha I wanna go back so badly ... But still London is pretty fun to live in.

Anyway my UO shipment + Body Shop orders have arrived! Ordered a ton of cranberry stuff like hand lotion, hand cream and shower gel. Really wanted another of the body butter but it was sold out. Also TBS has extended their 40% off everything including sale + free delivery so I might consider getting another one of those passionfruit shower gels. And my new lomo cameras are really pretty, got the mini Diana Gold and Superstar because I couldn't decide which colour to get so I just got both since they were only £16 shipped after all the promotion codes.


I am honestly in love with both of these and no, I can't decide which one I like more because both are so lovely! The good thing is that they use different films, so I'll just use whichever that's the correct film size if I had to choose. Won't be able to play with them until summer though because films are quite expensive here but I'll check out the prices soon. And I've been neglecting my instax for quite some time and already 2 packs of films have expired :( The Christmas films are expiring in July but there's no chance to use them so they're pretty wasted too. Note to self to not buy so many at one go next time! And I was supposed to scan in my instaxs so I'll get to them like NOW haha oh and macroeconomics assignment too.