Friday, October 23, 2015

SXB - LDN: Deuxième fois

Typing this at Stansted now. It's 2.35AM (London time so 3.35AM France time) and I've just spent the past 4 hours sitting in Costa Coffee ... But there's so many changes to Stansted like the Costa is 24h and even the M&S!! Or maybe they were always here just that I never noticed HAHA. I remember back in first year there was once we just spent the night at Stansted but now I can't remember for what trip was it Romania?? But everything was closed and we slept on the floor it was so bad lol. But now I actually don't mind, except that the free wifi is only for 1h but giffgaff does this gigabag thing now so I just bought a 500MB gigabag for £5. Spent £7 on food so far, so total damage of £12 tonight which is not too bad considering that a trip back to centre London would cost much more ...

Anyway, I had my second French exam today for Syntaxe. Completely forgot the stuff for the second question, I remember she went through a similar example in class but I just couldn't remember what it was so that's half the paper gone ... Hope my first question went okay :( But I'm so glad that it's the holidays now!! I swear French uni is so much more intense than in UK, like I legit have twice the number of hours I would have in the UK plus all the tests are kind of spread out so there's always things to do. But yeah, feeling rather accomplished that I've survived half the term so far! Have a bunch of exams coming up in the beginning of December and some coursework due in November and I'm not going to be travelling much in November so I foresee myself spending a lot of time in the library HAHAHA. But I really love working in the library though, definitely more productive there than I ever would be in my own room. I think I should just not study in my room at all.

So anyway, the 10AM class that I was supposed to have yesterday was cancelled, so that was great because I spent the 2 hours getting extra sleep (had a massive headache in the morning and I rarely ever have headaches) and then spent lunchtime doing revision in the Portique library. However the exam for that class is going to be right after we come back from break, so I'm feeling a bit unprepared since we didn't have a proper last lesson before the exam. Then I went for a class and for Syntaxe it was supposed to be class for the first hour then exam for the second hour, but she had a change of plans so we didn't have class and just had the exam and we could just leave after the paper! Which makes a lot of sense because it's true that we'd be too distracted to focus for the class anyway. Went back and ate dinner, packed and cleaned my room within 2 hours then made my way to la gare avec O. We were early for the train and made it to the airport in good time. Met a few other Erasmus students on the flight lol seems like everyone is going back early!! Then we arrived at Stansted where I have to wait for 10h until my next flight so here I am. But I'm already halfway through!! Slept a bit just now and I think I am going to try to sleep a bit more before I head off again. Very very excited to see HX and Zherms later!!

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