Friday, October 30, 2015

London to Milan

Back at Stansted again ... 5th flight in a row HAHA but okay this is the last one already! Super tired didn't manage to sleep last night cause I was trying to dry my clothes + pack ... I managed to bring back most of the stuff I wanted to bring back to SXB but still left some stuff at C's place like my new Topshop white bucket bag :( And some of my clothes didn't manage to dry in time so am gonna just leave them there for now ...

I'll blog about Copenhagen days 2 and 3 another time (if I ever remember HAHA), but I spent the whole of yesterday in London. Arrived at C's place at about 12.30AM, by the time I showered and all it was 4AM. LOL. And I had a bunch of errands to run and stuff to collect from WT's place in the morning, so I had to get up at 7. Very amazed at how I'm still functioning with so little sleep lol. But then again I've been sleeping on all my bus journeys and the whole plane journey (like literally before take off until landing) so I guess the little bits count ...

Anyway, I met WT slightly before 9 to collect my postal slips, then went to the delivery office to collect my parcels. And I finally tried Starbucks' pumpkin spice latte! Remembered at the last minute to change to soy, so I didn't get any stomachaches this time. But it was so good!! I don't think there's any Starbucks in SXB haha so I don't know when will be the next time I can drink it again T_T

Spent 2 hours packing my stuff, I have so much stuff ugh. But we shoved everything into the storeroom. I feel so bad for taking up so much space with my stuff T_T Then went back to C's place and then I went to UCL to print my airtix and stuff. Then Oxford street. I wanted to return my stuff at Topshop initially but the queue was terribly long and it was so crowded even though it was just Thursday, so I'll have to return them by post instead. Then C, J, JY and I had dinner at ASSA! I haven't had Korean food in the longest time ever but it was so good hehehe!! Then I had sharetea hehe favz yakult green tea which I won't be able to drink again for a long time ... And we went to Primark before it closed. So it was a really long day!! But I did everything I had on my to-do list, except for returning the Topshop stuff.

Okay I think I have to go board now but Ryanair gave me priority boarding again woop woop!!


Okay managed to just board in time LOL. It was gate 33 which is the same gate as when I took my first flight from LDN - SXB!! They were already boarding when I arrived but I had the priority queue thing so I managed to skip the waiting ... And I just realised I actually got allocated the exact same window seat LOL. But I'm sitting on the aisle seat now because the couple on my row were there first and they wanted the window seat and I don't really mind I'm just gonna sleep the whole way haha. But yeah the last time I had the window seat too and it was a Chinese couple next to me instead. Deja vu much?! Hahaha. Okay gonna take off soon!!

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