Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ryanair: SXB - LDN

En fait j'ai oublié de publier cette poste le vendredi dernier donc voici la poste sur Ryanair qui est un petit peu tard ...

1 Oct 2015:
Sitting in the Ryanair plane now and enjoying possibly the best flight I've ever had (also the cheapest?!?!)! Basically when I checked in today I found out they'd given me priority queue again, which was great but unfortunately it was only for the outbound trip and I kind of need it more for the inbound trip but oh well ... And then it turns out that I had the whole row to myself! So now I've just got my macarons and my bottle of airport water next to me. There're 2 more empty rows in front but no one's moving over. So basically this is a summery of my €15 flight, out of which €8 was spent on the macarons, €2 for the mineral water and €5 for the actual ticket. Less than €5, technically. I love Ryanair!


5 Oct 2015:
Oops I'd actually forgotten to post this when I was in London! So now I'm sitting in the Ryanair plane (again) and waiting for take off. The seats next to me are still empty even though I'm in the middle of the plane and all the other rows around me (even the ones across) are full. Plane is supposed to take off in 12 min. Hoping that I'm getting the whole row to myself again!! I mean it's not a big deal but having some space would be nice :D I'm at a window seat this time ahaha. And this is a bit like déjà vu but the row in front of me is empty again too ...

1900: Game plan changed: got moved to the row in front instead (row 17) which also happens to be the emergency exit row. There wasn't anyone else in my row so the flight steward asked me to move. The annoying thing is that I can't lift up the armrests for this row but on the other hand I have like A LOT more leg space so I guess it would also look less hobo if I stretched my legs in front instead of horizontally LOL. But I still have the whole row to myself!! And my original row behind is still empty. Omg I love Ryanair LOL.

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