Monday, October 26, 2015

Copenhagen: Day 1

Woop so I made it to CPH!! Despite the horrible experience of hobo-ing in 6 deg temp in the middle of the night without sleep. But yeah after waiting for an hour plus finally the bus arrived and then the station was opened T_T So I sat inside to like, defrost for a bit. Slept the entire bus ride cause I was so tired, then slept a bit more at the airport but I was scared I'd fall asleep and miss my flight so didn't sleep very well. Apparently Zherms said that the food hall at the airport is open 24h (it's very small though), so perhaps the better plan would've been to go there earlier. Well hopefully I won't have to do that again!!! But yes to €5 plane tix still.

Anyway, I slept the whole flight cause I was so tired like I didn't even know we took off until I realised my ears were blocked. And I only woke up when we landed HAHA. The view was amazing but I was so tired I could barely open my eyes. We were flying pretty low I think. I have photos HAHA but it's difficult to add from my phone so maybe another time!! But it was so cold before we boarded!! There was the white mist even when I breathe.

Everything was pretty smooth upon arrival. I was surprised that there wasn't any border control like there usually is, but perhaps cause it was a Stockholm-Copenhagen flight. Took the metro to Norreport, then changed to the S train. The Danish trains are so posh omg?? Like the carriages are really wide and the seats are blue and velvety like first class HAHAHA. But I think they're made to fit bicycles because almost everyone cycles here and people bring their bikes up onto the trains (just like in Strasbourg actually). But yeah was pretty cool. I arrived at Zherms' place at about 9.30, then I meant to take an hour nap while waiting for my phone to charge but ended sleeping all the way until 3pm. My precious sunlight time T_T

Went out to walk around in order to catch the remaining sunlight hours, so I took the train back to Norreport which is basically the city centre. I love Copenhagen already! I think the best feeling is when you step out of the city centre metro station and you just step right out there and just kind of take in everything ... I don't even know how to describe it but it just feels so amazing and so inspiring every single time and for every single city. Like I was thinking about this just now during the moment and I was so inspired but now that I'm back the feeling is gone and I cannot recall what was it that was so inspiring. Okay next time maybe when I visit a new city HAHA. And same goes for the feeling when you just wander around a new place not knowing where you're headed for, but still going on all the same. Perks of travelling alone HAHA in all honesty I love travelling alone and just exploring places sans itinerary even though the only down part is that it does get a bit lonely at times and scary when you're going back alone at night. But other than that I think I appreciate my freedom very much.

Walked past the botanical gardens and then to the canal and the sunlight was amazing. Then it got dark so I went back to the city centre where the shops were and went to find the chocolate store that C wanted chocolates from. They were closing and I managed to get there just in time. Then I just wandered around while waiting for Antoine. There are so many H&Ms HAHA. And Tiger has so much cute stuff I would totes buy everything to decorate my room if I could ever be bothered to decorate my room.

Met A at 6 near the station then we walked around a bit more and he was showing me places to visit (need to find my way back there again tomorrow). Then we had dinner at this Danish restaurant called Restaurant Kultorvet which was really good and just talked for like 2 hours catching up! Miss orchestra times hahaha omg I really wanna find a violin rental place in SXB ...

Okay anyway now I'm back now hehe and I spent the whole day wondering why my phone had no memory space and just discovered that the new iOS update downloaded itself and took up all the space. But I'm going to sleep now because I am seriously damn tired like my eyes cannot open anymore and long day tomorrow don't want to waste anymore sunlight hours!!!

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