Wednesday, October 21, 2015

First French Exam

Had my first exam in France today. I feel I should've apologised in advance to the tutor for my bad French ... but anyway it's over. One more exam tomorrow then I'm off!!

Anyway I wanted to post because I honestly thought this week was a shitty week but things turned out fine in the end, like:
- I had a panic attack on Tuesday because I suddenly realised that since I missed my last VISA appt for the medical check up they've not yet sent me another convocation and the 3 months deadline is approaching rather soon. Then it turned out that I worried for nothing, because the very next day they sent me 3 emails reminding me of my next appt, which I can finally make!!
- Was so unprepared for my exam today but V was so sweet she went through the stuff with me at noon before the exam!! Very very grateful omg :D
- Came back just now and neighbour opposite was having a party and I was worrying whether if it's gonna last through the night (because I have an 8am class tmr and I really need my sleep) and I really didn't want to be the bad person but ... they've all left before 12 so all's good and quiet now.
- Supposed to have 5 hours of class tmr before the exam but just checked my email and one of the 2h classes is cancelled so I have a 4h break now!!!!!

Cheap thrills, I know. But I am so happy and thankful!!!

Anyway I've discovered the joys of studying in the library again. I like the libraries here, but it's just annoying that all the libraries close quite early i.e. no 24h libraries like UCL. Like the one in Portique closes at 7pm but from 26 Oct (Idk if it's like that for the rest of the year or just Vacances Toussaint) it's gonna close at 5pm. 5pm. LOL. But the U2-U3 closes at 11pm, so that's not too bad. I definitely am more productive in the library than I ever am in my room. But anyway massive accomplishment today when V and I were the last ones to leave the Portique library!! But we were only there for about an hour or so HAHA. Still, we went to the U2-U3 after dinner for another library sesh. And we had BROWNIES for dessert!! Woop woop good timing. Spent an hour in U2-U3 then went out for drinks with the English gang before we all go on break next week (or this week, or tomorrow actually). V and O and I shared a bottle of Pinot Gris (something that starts with S) and it was really good and the bar was so chill too. I'm super super grateful for having found such amazing friends here really <3

Okay so this post turned out not so much to be about the French exam after all but still! I'm going to stop here now because I want to do some readings for the exam tomorrow and sleep early!!

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