Monday, October 26, 2015

Stockholm is not a night city

Currently stranded at a macs in town that's about to close in 15 min. It's 1.45AM, and my bus to the airport is only at 3.30AM and I literally have no place to go ... Unbelievable how EVERYTHING is closed. Everything!! Even the train station!! There is NOTHING to do, and nothing to eat. As much as I've hobo-ed I think this might just be the worst because it's so cold outside :(

Left HX's place at 12.15AM and caught the last train to T-Centralen. When I got there I spent a long time looking for: a) The airport bus stop, and b) somewhere warm to sit for a few hours. After meeting a few drunk people and asking for directions from various people behind counters, I finally managed to find the train station. With benches!! My single ticket was still valid since it was within 75min, so I tapped in and comfortably sat myself down on an empty bench. Then I saw that I had wifi. Thank you eduroam! I thought it was going to be a comfortable night, so I settled down to read my John Green book on my phone.

- PAUSE while I just got chased out of the macs because they were closing, so I've made my way back to the bus stop and it's fucking freezing. This is not good. Also I am typing this because I have absolutely nothing else to do for the next 1.5 hours. -

So anyway, I thought my plan was settled! Then the guards came over and said something to me in Swedish. I didn't understand. They repeated a few times before switching to English, telling me that the station was going to close in 15 min. This was at approx 1.15am. Oh shit. So I asked them if there was anywhere else I could go to wait for my bus, but they didn't know. Well it's not really their obligation anyway to help ignorant travellers who don't bother planning in advance. So nvm, at least they pointed me towards the direction of the airport bus stop, which turned out to be the correct one. I am grateful for that.

I walked over to the bus stop and managed to find the one that goes to Skavsta Airport. The earliest bus is at 3.30AM. I found a bus stop opposite with seats, so I crossed over and thought I'd sit there and read my book until the bus comes. IT WAS FREEZING. Within minutes my fingers froze until I could barely even feel my phone screen, and only 10 minutes had passed. I could not stay like that for 2 more hours. So I got up, walked back to the train station and took an elevator down to the lower street level where the macs was. And got myself a cheeseburger for 10kr. And sat for 10 min before being chased out again. :( Where do people even go in Stockholm at night?!?!

Okay but anyway that was all a stupid rant because I chose to book cheap flights (think €5) with Ryanair at shitty timings. It was either hobo outside for 2 hours or walk through a forest for 15 min from HX's place to catch a night bus to central station at a nearer timing. To be honest I don't really know which is worse at this point. I am also being very wary of drunk people and strangers in general loitering around (there are many people wandering around and they are scaring the living shits out of me). The bus stop opposite has also been fully occupied and I have been reduced to standing, at the bus stop, behind a barrier to hide myself from the wind. As much experience as I've had with hobo-ing and being up for all sorts of adventures (??) and in general jumping into things without planning I think this is too much for me ... It's boring, it's uncomfortable and it's cold.

What's the moral of the story?? Don't spend your night outside if you're in Stockholm!! (Unless maybe during summer.) And choose your flight timings properly HAHAHA. Okay but seriously it really depends on what you prioritise. #cheapflightshittytiming

It's 2.15AM now and I can barely feel my fingers anymore haha 75 min to go ON Y VA J'Y VAIS.

Let's hope I survive to publish this post!!! (Oh I will because there is wifi from the buses LOL.)

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