Friday, February 7, 2014

Busy week • TGIF

So glad the week is over, though I'm already starting to panic for next week's work due haha. Tutorials today were pretty alright, the ESPS one was fun and econs wasn't as bad as I had expected. One more week to reading week!

Louhei (?) in hall last night, courtesy of C and E who brought back ingredients all the way from sg and went to Waitrose to get salmon / lending us her room! I realised this was the 3rd time I louhei-ed, the 1st time was during CNY celebrations in HC (I missed the J1 one because of rashes), and the 2nd time was in ANZ last year haha.

Before and after LOL.

Weather is getting nicer these days hooray, taken in Russell Square Gardens otw to Chinatown today. There was also some kind of demonstration going on.

Food post up next maybe tomorrow because there were so many photos and so much food and I need to sort out the photos and I'm really tired now haha.

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