Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fatigue is an endless feeling

At least that's one thing I can feel. One thing.

Days are flying by and it's already August ... Later this month I'll be going back, then embarking on a new journey. I'm pretty hyped, to be honest. Booked my tickets last week and all, just have to pay my reservation deposit now which I'm still trying to figure out how to do and also I'm only getting my pay next week, which is a bother considering how much I've spent and how many people owe me money. It's strange realising that I'm now down to a negative net income, which basically means I've been running on a deficit. Doesn't really make sense considering the amount of clothes I've sold ... Which means I've definitely spent way more than that. Way more. Gosh.

3 more weeks of work to go. I really really enjoy it a lot despite it being tiring and all and having to deal with stupid people sometimes ... I figured I'll be counting down to approximately 12 more days of work. Gonna miss everyone and everything; it's strange to think how some bonds form so quickly but you never know if they'll be strong enough to last.

In other news I've also sprained my other ankle. Trying not to harp too much on the fact that somehow my legs are going to be in this state of imperfection for the rest of my life. I'm still too young for this and I want to have a perfectly functioning body. Cannot imagine hearing a pop in my ankle everytime I do an ankle rotation, or feeling the sharp pain and strain everytime I run, even if it's just to catch the bus. Fervently hoping that both ankles will recover soon.

Going out again tomorrow. It's always the same few places. There are so many places that I've not visited yet this time that I'm back, but I'm running out of time. Next time, perhaps.

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