Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I should really be sleeping now argh I have work tomorrow and it's the eve of a public holiday :( But so much have been going on LOL I feel like I need to record down everything before I forget them!!

Really unexpected good news this morning haha just as I was almost giving up hope ... Hoping for the best sigh I really want this to go well. Also went to submit my passport today for the visa so hopefully everything should be sorted soon. I had off days yesterday and today, and spent some quality time with my sis (HAHA). Went skating today and I had much better balance than Saturday omg Idk what was wrong with me that day I kept tripping over the toe picks!! But today I could (almost) do proper crossovers. Still need to improve and I cannot do them on the other side LOLLOL like I can never lift up my right foot Idk why. Am working the rest of the week (for 4 consecutive days) so I don't think I'll have time to skate anymore this week :(

Anyway I've been buying so much stuff from TS LOL it's really damn bad but I'm loving all my buys!!! Finally got a denim jacket thanks to Clare hahaha been thinking about getting one since London and now they have this new one in black washed denim so I gave in ... I haven't tried the light denim yet but I feel like that one would match better with clothes??? Idk I think I'll try tmr LOL omg my $$$. And I bought 2 pairs of black pants hahaha at first I only wanted one but then I tried on the other one by mistake and omg it was so nice. Anyway they'll be useful. And I'm still waiting for my Brandy DE orders to arrive omg sian what happened to no buy this summer .........

Okay anyway here's my daily summary:
22 / 3 Fri: Off day / Visa enquiry / Raffles City shopping bought stuff from Topshop!! / town / too tired and came home early / phone int
23 / 4 Sat: Off day again / skate sesh with sis
24 / 5 Sun: Work day 6
25 / 6 Mon: Off day again / phone int / shiok maki with Annabelle and Jiamin
26 / 7 Tues: Work day 7
27 / 8 Wed: No work / dinz with the HCSE girls
28 / 9 Thurs: Work day 8
29 / 10 Fri: Brunch + shopping with Anthea before work / work day 9
30 / 11 Sat: No work / skate sesh
31 / 12 Sun: Work day 10 / Carissa came to visit
32 / 13 Mon: Work day 11 / lunch with Gen / Clare and Esther came to visit
33 / 14 Tues: Off day / dental with sis + shopping / met Mo in town for a bit after
34 / 15 Wed: Off day / visa passport submission / skate sesh in afternoon

Okay no wonder it feels like I've worked so short it's only been 11 days LOL but I'm clocking 4 more consecutive days this week ahaha okay work is fun clothes are nice!!! But sometimes Idk if I should be doing more for my summer .........

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