Saturday, July 4, 2015

Back on ice

Went to skate the evening sesh and a bit of disco with the sis tonight. Am so glad that my ankle is slowly recovering and I feel so much more at ease with figure skates now after not having skated at all for the past 9 months ... And I've forgotten all the stuff like cross overs and everything sigh need to relearn again I know it's technically supposed to be muscle memory but balance isn't exactly something you can get back that quickly. Also mega bad luck with stairs continue and I fell again today and injured my tailbone ugh. It was so stupid because I didn't even fall on ice but on land wtf ... It was right before disco and I had my phone so I meant to put my phone back in case I fell and landed on my butt then in the end I fell before I even got back on ice when I was descending the stairs. The back of my skates got caught on the edge of a step and so I kind of flew down again and landed on my tailbone. This is the 2nd time I've fallen on stairs while coming down in less than 2 months ugh I think I should just avoid stairs from now on -_- the only good thing was that I was wearing skates so that prevented me from spraining my ankle again but still my tailbone hurts like crazy argh.

Anyway on Friday I went to the France embassy to enquire about my visa docs and also on the same day the accoms side got back to me so most of the stuff are now sorted! Very thankful for the efficiency on their side I strongly believe it must be under the German influence or something haha. Then went to Raffles City and I bought stuff from Topshop's sale AGAIN T_T I really need to stop accumulating clothes the amount of clothes I own is absolutely disgusting. But okay. Also went to check out the sale at Knightsbridge but didn't really find anything haha so I went back home relatively early. My stamina has long disappeared lol I can no longer withstand long hours of shopping but I gues that's probably a blessing in disguise. Didn't do much today, ordered some stuff from BM Germany, fell asleep in the afternoon (what's new) then went to skate. And now I'm back and really hungry with an aching tailbone and I have work tmr. Had to reschedule my Monday shift Idk if it'll be approved but hopefully yes ... Ah shit I just realised I should've just requested to start later or something argh but I don't wanna be going back and forth from town to home. DK will sort it out tmr when I go.

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