Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!

It's CNY again ayeee but I'm spending CNY eve alone and in the midst of cooking instant noodles like damn sad please?!?! It's always during CNY that I wish I could be home and this is already my third CNY that I've spent abroad :'( And I wanna eat all the CNY food!! LJ and I are thinking of going out for dinner tomorrow after class, I have 7 hours of class tomorrow which is absolutely dreadful and we only end at 6pm. But we haven't decided on where to eat yet so shall see HAHA.

Anyway been so busy after coming back from Italy that I haven't posted since Milan! I came back on the 10th Sunday afternoon and K came to pick me up from the gare. Then had classes starting from 11th and was so intense because at the beginning it was still choosing modules so I basically just went for everything and was so tired. Stayed in SXB that weekend, but the following weekend I went to London from 21-24 Jan. Spent 21st Thursday running errands on Oxford Street, 22nd Friday at Bicester and 23rd Saturday with Car then prinks at night with the Wasabi gang. Took the 1am bus to Stansted because my flight was at 7am, then got back to Basel and SXB at about noon. Went for classes then left SXB again for Paris on 28th Thursday for Car's birthday weekend, and J came to join us on Friday. Was good but so rainy the whole time! Also managed to see YX before I left and managed to meet Elles and Evan for brunch on Sunday right before my train so was a nice weekend! I left my towel at YX's place though hahaha gah. Arrived back in SXB in the afternoon. Then went for another 3 days of classes and took a blablacar to Brussels to see V!! Had a mini ESPS reunion in Brussels with A and Vicky and then I took a day trip to Antwerp on Friday because my blablacar got cancelled so I booked another one which leaves in the evening/ Got back on Friday night quite late and went library a bit on Saturday and today has just been packing and sorting out stuff :D

And I've also just had instant noodles for chuxi dinner hahaha fml. K has just woken up so shall see if we can go out for some proper food (I'm still quite hungry) ...

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