Saturday, March 5, 2016

Oh Wonder @ La Laiterie, Strasbourg

Just came back from Oh Wonder's concert and feeling pretty overwhelmed so thought I should post this quickly while I'm still enjoying the aftermath of the concert. This is the third live concert (I think??) that I've seen - first was Jessie J's iTunes Concert, then CHVRCHES in O2 Brixton last year - and also my very first concert in Strasbourg! I'm usually not a live performance person (I think the studio versions generally sound better) but tonight's performance was simply amazing. And I went alone!! Bought my ticket way back in January for €6 with my carte culture but it got sold out really quickly (wasn't expecting it) so no one else I knew managed to get the ticket. But it didn't matter that much I still enjoyed it!

I left about 1930 wanting to catch the 1938 bus to La Laiterie but the bus was late and upon arriving at the bus stop I realised I'd forgotten to bring the printed ticket. Arrived at La Laiterie at 2000h and there was already a queue. They did accept my electronic ticket so wasn't a problem. There was also a vestaire in the club which I didn't use as I only had my denim jacket. The club itself was actually quite small (think normal club size) but was pretty cosy. I've no idea how many people it could fit but probably about maybe 150 max? No wonder they had such limited tickets :(

Anyway, the concert opened with Lewis Watson, a British singer. I've not heard of him before this but his music is quite nice, kind of similar to Oh Wonder but less pop-ish. He ended his performance at 2100h and OW was supposed to appear at 2130h so there was half an hour to wait. I started talking to this girl in front of me who came alone as well. 

At 2130h OW came on stage (very punctual) and they opened with Livewire, which is one of my absolute favourite songs! I think it's my favourite but I like so many others too! Followed by Dazzle, then Lose It. The live versions actually sound even better because the songs are more upbeat and the beat is stronger. And Josephine's voice was really good for live performance too! And she was so cute when introducing "Without You" cause she actually spoke a bit of French then stopped to ask for the title in French to which everyone replied "Sans Toi" hahaha.

This was the playlist for the night (I actually borrowed it from a girl at the bus stop who took this back). I personally preferred the more upbeat songs but the slow ones were really good too. The songs in the middle were okay, I enjoyed Landslide the most out of those but the ones at the end were amazing starting from Body Gold. They actually did like a remix (??) kind of thing at the end with another bridge and it was so good and I wasn't expecting it so didn't manage to video it!!! Omg regrets but gonna try to find it online I swear the live version is amazing I like it even more than the studio one. Then we thought it was the end of the concert cause they thanked us then went backstage but they came out again for "encore" and played Plans and Technicolour Beat, which were both really great. I was half expecting a new song maybe but guess they're too busy touring at the moment but will look forward!! Realised the only song they didn't play was "The Rain" but it's not one of my super favourites so didn't really mind. :D 

All in all it was such a great experience and they're just fantastic live! And it wasn't such a big deal going alone though I was thinking at first that I'm gonna feel socially awkward but when I got there there were others who came alone too and seriously once the concert begins and the lights go off everyone's just enjoying the music by themselves haha. So it wasn't a big deal after all just do it HAHAHA. Also for me personally listening to OW always reminds me of the time when I first moved to Strasbourg in September cause that was when they first released their whole album and when I chanced upon them randomly on Spotify. I remember putting their whole album on repeat one evening after I cooked one of my first meals with my rice cooker and was eating my dinner and drinking teh tarik LOL. Then there were the times when I first began lessons here and I'd put them on repeat the whole night while (attempting to) study(ing). Then it was on 22 Oct the flight of my 2nd trip back to London with Ollie that I got super hooked on Livewire and decided that that would be my favourite song in the album and it got stuck in my mind for the whole weekend. But yeah, all their songs remind me of very ... Specific times, and specific memories. And now that I've actually managed to see them in Strasbourg just makes everything feel sort of complete and I'm really happy and I think I'll always remember tonight (but lest I don't this post shall remind me!).

So it's been an amazing first concert experience in Strasbourg haha and I don't think I'd ever be able to get tickets at such a good price again hahaha. Am super tired and a bit hungry now so gonna get some food then sleep!

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