Friday, March 18, 2016


Had an equally good day today even though once again I failed to present myself at the library but OH WELL. Was v happy cause I actually woke up early like at 8am (I am becoming more light-sensitive but that's a good thing hooray for longer days!) then saw a text from K who then came over so we spent the morning tgt and had a nice breakfast. I fell asleep again in the afternoon and barely woke up just in time for the atelier at 4pm which I'd signed up for! Went for the 2 ateliers then decided to stay for the 3rd one since it was in the same classroom and was glad that I did cause it turned out to be really fun and interesting! Met Sofia in class so we walked back tgt then I went to Simply to buy some fruits and drinks while she went to the bus stop. Came back and ate a (solo) dinner at the resto'u but so convenient now that it's open in the evenings as well since the one at Esplanade is undergoing construction. But all in all it was a really nice day! I haven't decided if I will go for more ateliers tomorrow but gonna need to go to the library realised I have so much work this weekend :( All the classes this week were really hard for some reason omg and first exam starts next Wed sigh what is year abroad???

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