Sunday, December 6, 2015


So I'm stuck in Strasbourg while the Brandy Carnaby is having a garage sale today :( I have absolutely awful timing basically the only one I've ever been to is the first one ... And also realise my blog views are mostly for the Brandy sale post that I did back in June HAHA. Guess people are doing their research :P

Anyway, last night was a good night :) I woke up miraculously at 4.30am this morning to use the toilet, then I couldn't fall back asleep -.- Got up at 6.30am finally, made breakfast - milo and what was supposed to be a hardboiled egg turned out to be a soft boiled egg instead but all the better LOL. Then I actually went for a run by the canal!! :D Well it's my first time running in ages so didn't run too much only did 20 min but I was so tired LOL. Came back and had a fruit yoghurt and showered and it's only 10am. Normally I would only just wake up at this time, so feeling rather productive today and hoping this productivity will last LOL. And amazing gradient sunrise this morning I swear it's the only motivation for me to wake up early HAHAHA.

Okay but I have friends going for the Brandy sale for me so hopefully there'll be nice stuff OMG.

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