Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Back in London - and off again!

Sitting in the Starbucks at Gatwick now with Steph waiting for our flight back to France later! Hahaha. Had such a hectic 2 weeks before I came back to London omg was so busy with exams and coursework and all. Had 5 exams in 3 days between 8 - 10 Dec, then another oral evaluation on Friday of that week. Tuesday was the linguistique synchronique exam which was actually supposed to be the following week but turned out that it got shifted forward and I had no idea so I went in and thought the paper was a practice paper before realising 15 min into the paper that it was the actual exam ... Major FML moment LOL. And I didn't even study for it nor did I bring a dictionary. But the passage wasn't that hard so hoping it went well ... Rest of the exams were awful I really hate having back-to-back exams argh. But the oral exam went pretty well I think! And then I had to submit the literature dossier before I left so stayed up until 5am to finish it on Tuesday morning T_T But at last it was done and submitted, so I spent Tuesday afternoon doing last minute chocolate shopping, then went ice skating at the rink at Place Dauphine with K! The rink was really really tiny though and the ice wasn't smooth but it was fun and I hadn't skated for half a year omg. Then met V for a last dinner, we had Lebanese food and it was so good!! I got back quite late so showered and packed and backed up some files on my com but didn't sleep as my train was at 6.20am from the gare. Got to Saint Louis station and was trying to figure out how to get the bus to the airport with this other Spanish girl but this super nice lady walked past and saw that we were lost and she just offered to send us to the airport in her car! The airport was a 5 min drive away but apparently they'd changed the bus route or something so we couldn't find the bus stop, but I'm gonna have to figure it out when I next take the plane from BSL ... But anyway the lady was really nice, her name is Claude and we thanked her when we arrived. I was pretty early for the flight but I had a crappy seat and the flight was really full but I was so tired I just slept all the way LOL.

London days had been really really busy so I'm just gonna do some daily summaries here:
16/12 Wed - arrived in afternoon, picked up some stuff from WT's place, met O for dinner at All Bar One at Canary Wharf and also had a tour of his office!! Had a game of pingpong in the gym room LOL and the view up there was so amazing!
17/12 Thurs - Had breakfast with E at 8am at Le Pain Quotidien and then had a second brunch with the SW girls at the Breakfast Club - 2 places which I've always wanted to try! Food was really really good. Then S and Y and I went to check out the new Brandy Melville store at Covent Garden! Didn't buy anything cause there wasn't anything new. Met J and Y again for dinner at Shake Shack and also had Biju for dessert hehe.
18/12 Fri - Met CW for dimsum then we went to shop on Oxford Street - for the first time it was me waiting for someone else in the changing room LOL. Then went to meet H and J for dinner at Flat Iron, but there was a queue so we went to macs first and ate nuggets LOL. But the steak at Flat Iron was really really good omg will want to go again.
19/12 Sat - Went to explore Broadway Market with Car in the morning and had brunch at El Ganso - the avocado toast with salmon was really good but the pancakes were average except for the huge serving of berries. C had work after that so I got off at Russell Square to check out Office at the Brunswick for shoes - and the New Balance 574 in black and pink which I'd been eyeing was on sale!!! And it was the last pair, in my size!!!!! Was so happy and it fitted perfectly :) Then I saw another pair in burgundy and it actually suited me even more and I couldn't decide between the two so I just bought both LOL. But then again I never wear any other shoes anyway so I will probably wear the shit out of those shoes. Went back and was so tired I fell asleep and overslept for dinner ... Met the HCSE girls at Hare and Tortoise (but the Kensington one) for dinner! Didn't expect to see them so soon after Stockholm but we were once again reunited in London!
20/12 Sun - Had lunch with FY and helped her to shift some stuff, then went to meet M and L in Chinatown. They had dimsum but I missed it but we went to get Sharetea after that. L had a train to catch and M had until 5 before his dinner so he went with me to the post office at the Plaza. But it rained so we were stranded there so we decided to check out the sale at USC. And I found this super super pretty pair of Sketchers in pink and blue!!!!!! Didn't intend to buy shoes again since I'd just bought 2 pairs of NB but it was SO PRETTY and really light and comfortable to wear. And they were half price!!! So now I have 3 new pairs of sports shoes so I probably shouldn't be buying anymore for like the next 3 years maybe ... Then went back to UCL to print stuff before going out again for dinner with I Hall. Good company but made a bad decision so had the worst 炸酱面 ever LOL. Then went back to Car's place and chilled until about 11.
21/12 Mon - Met YX for a quick catch up over hot chocolate, then was supposed to run a few errands and go shopping but I was so tired I just slept the whole afternoon. Showered and packed before meeting S and Car for dinner! Went to eat at ASSA then went to Bone Daddies to try their French toast with matcha soft serve. Then packed and left for Gatwick. We caught the last tube so was one hour early but made the stupid mistake of waiting at bus stop 8/9 instead of GATE 8/9 inside the coach station lol we weren't even in the coach station. But we managed to get the 2.30am bus instead and finally got to Gatwick! Checked in our bags and went to Starbucks.

So anyway the past 5 days have been literally food food and more food. Boarding right now hehe very hyped to go back to Frenchland!

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