Thursday, June 25, 2015


First day of work today and I actually forgot how tiring it is to work retail :'( Really supposed to be sleeping now plus I'm quite tired but Idk why I can't sleep. Anyway, point is, I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M WORKING AT (one of) MY FAVOURITE BRAND(s) NOW!!! Okay actually my all time fav now is Brandy so this will have to come in second but I swear I used to love it so much then Brandy came about and I got hooked HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, work was quite okay. It was more tiring than expected. And I felt very socially awkward so I just tried to busy myself with putting stuff back on the racks cause it's so awkz to just stand there and like not do anything?! Also I'm kind of glad that I shopped so much there before so I kinda knew all the product codes format and when they have sales and the promo stuff HAHA this is how shopping pays off ... It's basically research LOL. Super not used to the make up rule cause I never ever wear make up and like I don't even own a eyebrow drawer (??? What is it you use to draw your brows???) or a lipstick and only this morning I found this random liquid eyeliner probably from sec 4 in my drawer but Idk how to use at all. Hate wearing makeup LOL it's so uncomfortable hahaha but anyway I was told to wear a proper lipstick sigh I hate wasting money on things I will never use again plus I'm not even getting my pay until Aug. Sianz. Also realised the pathetic number of TS items I own now that I've sold most of them LOL. And I left sooooo much stuff I could wear in London haha this has been a year of bad packing decisions. But okay. I'll survive. I just need tights and I have so many pairs in London but none here argh what did I even bring back?!

My legs really ache now and I think all the standing is actually bad for my ankle sigh ...

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