Saturday, June 20, 2015


Finally back home for summer so I've slightly more time now. Been back for slightly over a week now, haven't done much tbh ... Feeling really lazy this summer, plus my summer break is really short so I wasn't intending on working or interning this time. Anyway I landed last Friday evening, so came back and had a really nice home-cooked dinner (finally) T_T Honestly missed my mom's cooking so much. Then I spent the rest of the evening lying on the sofa HAHAHA and feeling weird about being back. It feels like I haven't left yet so many things have changed so much.

Saturday was spent trying to unpack, and I listed a bunch of stuff for sale. Went out with the family to JCube in the evening for dinner then my sis went to skate. I was really looking forward to skating except that my ankle still hasn't recovered and it's been over a month already. This is the first time I've sprained my ankle so I don't really know what to expect argh. Stayed at home on Monday, then went to town with my dad on Tuesday, stayed at home on Wednesday again, went to town to collect some stuff on Thursday and met Steph on Friday! We had lunch at the same Jap restaurant that has FREE FLOW RICE (HEHE) and then went to the shops. Didn't buy anything and anyway I'm on a no-buy this summer because I have way too much stuff and I need to save $$$. And then my results came out on the bus home with Steph ... Sigh I also dk what to do, I guess I could've studied much earlier but tbh I really did do a lot more studying this year and I'd been doing consistent work throughout the year so I really dk what's the problem. I wish I could say that studying pays off, but no it doesn't it's almost as if studying has the opposite effect because I got higher for the mods I don't study for. I'm just hoping that these haven't been moderated yet and that hopefully they are going to moderate, but Idk. On the bright side I've improved by an entire grade band for both Use of French and French Oral, so I guess that's pretty good though I still have no idea how I did so badly last year ugh. SIGH. It actually feels a bit like JC all over again, like how I switched from Econs to Physics at the last minute and regretted and now this just makes me wonder if I should've stayed with IR in the first place. Consequences of decisions s i g h .

Don't really want to do anything don't really know what to do but still feels like I have so many things to do argh. Am gonna post about the Brandy garage sale soon been wanting to do that for ages so probably tomorrow!! And I really wish my ankle will recover soon it's so inconvenient to do anything gah.

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