Saturday, June 14, 2014


Finally back after about 9 months hehe :> Still getting adjusted to the weather and everything, but quite glad I didn't get a jet lag as I fell asleep at 10+ last night and managed to wake up at 8+ this morning without an alarm haha. Feels really weird to be back though, my house hasn't changed and it feels like I haven't been away at all, and London feels like a dream now looking back. No plans for the weekend because I don't want to go out LOL and I need to unpack!! Sadly I had to come back without my dresses and shorts because my luggage was overweight so I had to take out stuff at the airport T_T Heart literally broke when I had to give up my denims and dresses because they were too heavy T_T Will also have to clear some stuff out and sort out photos hahaha gonna do up a Romania post soon maybe!! And find employment in the mean time ...

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