Monday, November 28, 2016

Term 1 Week 7

Yet another week has passed. 3 more weeks until end of term! Time is passing by too quickly.

Currently rather pissed at myself for forgetting to prolong my French number. It was supposed to expire on 28 Nov but didn't realise Free was just going to terminate my line at 28/11 midnight. Oh gosh. I can't believe I've been so busy the past 2 months I completely forgot about it. Now I will have no French number for the whole of Christmas ugh.

Nothing much happened last week except for Black Friday sales. Had classes everyday and went skating on Wednesday. I wish I could say I learnt more tricks but no HAHA. Can't do a forward lunge literally because I'm not even flexible enough to do it on ground haha sigh need to practice off-ice stuff too.

I went for the Brandy Black Friday sale at Covent Garden!! 50% off everything but of course they kept away the new stuff omg I wanted the Kenzo jeans. But still managed to get sooooo much good stuff need to do a hauls post soon hahaha. Met C for dinner at Chinatown - it was completely dark because there was a power cut in Soho and Chinatown. Most of the restaurants were closed so we went to Wong Kei which was still open but they could only serve like 4 dishes. Made C go with me back to Brandy after dinner for round 2 HAHAHA. I need to stop buying clothes omg .........

Spent the whole weekend at home. Slept a lot, did work, finally did my accounts, even booked my return tickets and still can't believe I completely forgot about my French number argh. But yeah the weekend is over now and I feel like no amount of sleep can ever cure my fatigue in winter. It's almost half one, I should go to sleep now.

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