Friday, July 4, 2014

On work

You only really start to appreciate things when they're gone. I realised how true it is this week while working, and that I really kind of miss working in ANZ. Sure it was crazy stressful, but I miss the high level of activity, the flexible hours, and most of all the people. Have been reminiscing the good old times with L, M and HX recently and we all still remember our V+ codes! Hahaha. Also the phones at my current office happen to be the same as those back in ANZ and the ringtones are also exactly the same so it's like everytime the phone rings I feel like I'm still back there. Really can't believe it's been more than a year already, time really flew when I was in London and now that I'm back it hardly feels like I've left at all. I think time is passing too fast but sometimes I really just wish for everything to be slower or even stop because I don't want to grow up so quickly ...

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