Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sales sales sales

Just got back from last camp meeting and so super tired. It ended around 11 so am very grateful to Alicia's parents for giving us a lift back!!

I thought I'd make it a point to blog more because time is passing by too quickly and I wanna keep track of stuff but life has been pretty boring but hectic recently. The highlight of today was that Topshop was having 20% off sale items so obviously I suddenly found the need to add some rather essential items to my already bursting wardrobe. Initially I was set on getting a pair of flats that got reduced to $19, the basic cami in cream and this super cute fluffy crop sweater in cream but all 3 were either not available or sold out in SG so :( Bought this heart print co-ord and a pair of shorts in the end!! Wasn't intending on getting the co-ord at first cause they only had UK6 left which the top was rather snug though the bottom fitted perfectly but it was too cute and comfy to pass x_x Don't even know when I'd ever wear it HAHA. The shorts were the high-waist single button MOTO shorts which I really love and they came in burgundy!! Been meaning to get a pair of basic HWS since forever and I really regret not getting them in medium and dark denim and now they're sold out :( The burgundy looked pretty okay and good as a basic plus it was only $23 after the discount which was practically a steal. So in all I didn't exactly spend that much and I'm rather satisfied with my purchases HAHA.

Was also delighted that my jada dress in brown rose print came today! 2nd jada in a week and still counting because I intend to place an order for Brandy Melville tmr after I get my pay HAHAHA. The first one that I got was the sunflower print one in cream which is super nice, I really love the material and the best thing was that the length was actually not too bad. I was slightly skeptical at first because it said 30" length down on the website but thankfully the straps are adjustable so it fits pretty decently. Buying one more next week off a reseller sigh this is where all my pay goes ......... So much for trying to clear my closet HAHAHA I think my rate of purchasing exceeds my rate of selling way too much and it ain't working hahaha what a joke.

Last day of work for the week tomorrow! Then camp haha shucks regretting not taking one extra day of leave but it's training week plus I actually need the $$$ LOL I can buy like a new dress or 2 pairs of shorts with one day's pay. I seriously wouldn't mind if any of my employers in future choose to pay me in clothes instead because that's basically where most of my money goes to anyway .........

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Module Selections

Just got an email from the departmental tutor informing us of our module selections for the upcoming academic year and I'm pretty happy to see that I got my first choice :) We had to submit our selections in mid-June and I literally spent 2 hours researching and deciding before finally going for 19th century French literature. So much effort lol considering that I was basically choosing which century of French lit to study but it was the only module that I get to choose so of course it was important. Felt pretty silly after that I completely missed out on the ELCS modules which really look interesting but noooooo I don't have enough units T_T

Anyway, the module I picked was FREN2106 on 19th century French literature. There were quite a few reasons as to why I picked that over the rest - the texts, the assessment mode and as well as the tutor. I'd done a presentation on 19th-20th French literature before and also read a few of the texts (though I've forgotten them by now) so some of the titles were pretty familiar. Also considered the fact that I would rather one less examination in term 3 so doing 2 assessed essays might be slightly better ... though experience tells me examination essays tend to score better but oh well :( They could've just been extra lenient this year! Lastly, I attended a few lectures by the same tutor last year which I thought were pretty interesting and I do like his style of lecturing so hopefully it'd be the same or better for this module!

The other module that I was considering was FREN2107 - also French lit but on the contemporary period. suppose I gave it a pass in the end because the two-hour examination on ALL aspects sounded too scary hahaha. I also briefly looked through summaries of the texts and found that they were slightly too dark for my liking so well it's back to the 19th century I guess.

I stupidly only discovered that we could actually choose ELCS modules as well only just now so I guess it might be a bit late for me to make any amendments ... Looked through the list of modules for term 1 (because term 2 will probably be too hectic so I would rather take more modules in term 1 first) and thankfully there wasn't anything that I would be particularly keen on. I did locate 2 very interesting modules that were only taught in term 2 - ELCS6009 and ELCS6028 - both linguistics modules and aspects in which I've always wanted to explore more. It might have been a good chance for me to get out of my comfort zone but then again even though I may like it (or I may not) I wasn't too sure about doing well in it academically, so... And anyway it's in term 2. Note to self to attempt some of the readings during my free time hahaha. This is the thing about only having interest but no skill in a subject hahahaha I guess I would prefer studying it in my own time and it reduces the stress of having to absorb so much stuff within a limited period of time.

Anyway to conclude I feel that UCL offers way too many interesting modules but way too little academic units so I really really wish we could get to learn more stuff hahaha okay I know the lack of time is a big problem but still. Could we maybe just take modules for fun I feel like I learn much more (and more willingly) during then LOLLOL.

Monday, July 28, 2014

6 weeks into summer

It's a public holiday today so I finally have some time to rest at home. And if you're reading this, HI AV!! Hahaha. Been terribly busy for the past 4 weeks since work started but at least I've survived half of work so yay :> Also been busy meeting up with everyone before they fly off again omg so many things and so little time. Camp is this coming Friday so that'll be one weekend and I think after that I should finally be able to take a breather hahahaha or not. Anyway, I'm going to continue with my daily summaries as a mental note for myself. I stopped previously at day 15 / 28 Jun so will continue from there! And I'm proud to say that I am still keeping track of my accounts which turned out to be a rather useful thing seeing the amounts I spend :(

16/29: Home / cannot remember what I did but it was the day before work started!
17/30: First day of work x_x / I Hall BBQ @ Chuanling's before she flew off
18/01: Work.
19/02: Work / dinner with Wanting before she left for summer school / cheap but decent pasta at BTP
20/03: Work.
21/04: Work / FRIDAY so tired went home to rest x_x
22/05: OC meeting / went town after that bought stuff + collected stuff / SKATING pretty impromptu but woohoo 'rents kindly sponsored a pass hehe
23/06: Stay-home Sunday
24/07: Work + skating
25/08: Work.
26/09: Work.
27/10: Work + skating
28/11: Work / FRIDAY / dinner with Steph and Esther at this Jap place at Ion / pretty good ramen / Topshop shoes + F21 / bus ride back with Steph
29/12: Dim Sum with FY and GY!! / Awfully Chocolate / catching up at Star Vista hahaha
30/13: Zherms came over for lunch / TBM flea with Zherms and Kailin / short meet up with Annabelle and Jiamin over Starbucks
31/14: Work + skating with Steph!!!
32/15: Work.
33/16: Work / Dinner with Sun!!
34/17: Work / Last meet up with Annabelle and Jiamin before Annabelle flew back / super good ramen at Holland V
35/18: Half day off to run my errands / Swee Choon + Butter Studio with the ANZ girls / ate until we were so full and had food coma HAHA
36/19: OGL camp / got sunburnt super badly T_T
37/20: Dinner with HCSE (HK/Penang Trip gang hehe) @ NUS / so good to see everyone again :)
38/21: Work / forgot why I didn't go skating but I didn't :(
39/22: Work.
40/23: Work / went back to HC to visit Dr Tan and HCSE / met Jocelyn hehe! Took bus back tgt :>
41/24: Work / went skating and FELL but it wasn't my fault someone crashed into me while skating backwards then I couldn't stop and the next thing I knew I was on the ice T_T But to be honest the rink was way too crowded that day!! I always get nervous when there're a lot of people argh
42/25: Work / TGIF went home to sleep so tired
43/26: Chinatown / pre-dep talk / May's birthday surprise / 3-Inch Sin
44/27: Dinner with the NYSE girls / finally tried Concetto / super good tiramisu
45/28: Breakfast with Av at Yakun / super wow-ed by her instant photo printer which I thought was a portable charger at first / good catching up session hehe :> Also note to self to bring back 2-3 jars of kaya to London HAHA

Omg so many days of work looking up the list haha sigh but only 3 days this week because of camp on Friday. Actually it's not that tiring but just the time and sitting in the office ... okay I would choose aircon over the blazing afternoon heat in sg any day still hahaha. And almost half of my summer has passed this is terrible time is passing by way too quickly ...

Friday, July 4, 2014

On work

You only really start to appreciate things when they're gone. I realised how true it is this week while working, and that I really kind of miss working in ANZ. Sure it was crazy stressful, but I miss the high level of activity, the flexible hours, and most of all the people. Have been reminiscing the good old times with L, M and HX recently and we all still remember our V+ codes! Hahaha. Also the phones at my current office happen to be the same as those back in ANZ and the ringtones are also exactly the same so it's like everytime the phone rings I feel like I'm still back there. Really can't believe it's been more than a year already, time really flew when I was in London and now that I'm back it hardly feels like I've left at all. I think time is passing too fast but sometimes I really just wish for everything to be slower or even stop because I don't want to grow up so quickly ...