Sunday, July 8, 2018


I'm back again because I have nothing else (that I want) to do right now, and the past month has been seriously hectic. Yet another Sunday evening, and I've hated Sundays ever since the 2nd weekend of my year abroad in France when I realised nothing is open and there is nothing to do. It's gotten better moving back to London, at least the shops are open until 6pm. But the summer days are long, sunsets are late and I'd rather be out and about instead of laying in bed at home. Recently it's been better as I've also developed this habit of watching a movie on Sunday evening (thanks Vitality for the free tickets), although I never pick the ones that show too late as I don't like getting home late. Today I watched Patrick, which is a British comedy about a pug. It's based in London, and some scenes reminded me of places I have been, which was pretty nice. After the movie I just came home and got myself a cold drink and an ice cream, then put in some laundry. I am being reminded of 6 weeks ago, the evening walk in Wapping, and various flashbacks from earlier this year. I miss those times very much.

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