Sunday, June 3, 2018

Back in Geneva

The rate at which I am going on these trips far exceed the rate at which I am blogging about them ... Naples day 2 is still sitting in my drafts and here I am, out of London again. I am currently in Geneva this time visiting A and staying with her super nice family! The journey here was rather uneventful, but I’m glad my flight was mid-day instead of some unearthly hour in the morning as I could wake up at a normal time today + flying from Gatwick means it only took me half an hour to get there. I rarely fly from Gatwick but can see why people prefer so. Anyway, after landing in Geneva I came straight to A’s house where her family was having a barbecue so had my second lunch. I also went on a trampoline for the first time in my life!!! And had a swim in the pool before it started to rain. Spent the evening chilling and playing games with A’s sister, then had dinner and A helped me to set up the sofa bed in the guest room. Hoping for good weather tomorrow as it was really warm today but very cloudy. Will hopefully work on finishing at least that Naples post soon ...

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