Friday, December 30, 2016

Last days of 2016

Second last day of 2016. Tomorrow is NYE! This year has gone by crazily fast. But I've realised that the older I get the faster time seems to pass. Childhood felt like it was so long. Maybe it's because we're more occupied as (semi-)adults (haha). I have not been very productive in SXB ... brought all my notes but barely did anything except for French omg really need to do econ. K introduced to me this chess game called "Backgammon" a few days ago and I've been addicted to it lol. It's been really foggy here in SXB and the temperature's gone below zero so haven't been out much and basically just staying indoors and watched a lot of movies haha.

28 Dec Wednesday:
Woke up even later than usual, I think I attempted to read a bit of econ?? Was super foggy so didn't go out except to Rivetoile to get some groceries, and that was super late like before it closed. K cooked dinner for me!! Super good. Started playing Backgammon and hence began the game addiction lol.

29 Dec Thursday:
Woke up late, super cold and had cramps the whole day so didn't leave the house at all. Attempted reading Finance again, but ended up playing Backgammon (again). I finally made my soupe forestiere! Favourite soup of all time and I couldn't find it in London so defo gonna have to stock up before I leave + pomme poire too!!! I can't leave Europe ah how else am I supposed to buy all my French food ... Anyway watched The BFG, The Holiday and City Island. Been wanting to watch the BFG since summer but it came out in July and I was busy with internship back then so didn't have the time until yesterday. The Holiday was really nice but didn't really like City Island as much I felt that the beginning was too long and they took ages to get to the climax of the movie. 

30 Dec Friday:
A.k.a. today. Woke up early but basically went back to sleep until about 11 then stayed in bed to play Backgammon LOL. Facetimed the fam back in SG then went out to centre-ville because I really wanted to go to that bookstore at Place Broglie and I didn't know if they were going to be open tomorrow. And I'm so glad I went!! Got 3 colouring books (the only books I'm obsessed with now lol) for €12 and one of them is this coloriage calle Merveilles Sous Les Mers which I've been eyeing since maybe April?? It was also the last one so super glad I went today! The other two I got were the colouring postcards but they only had 2 versions and I even went to the other store at Place Kleber to check but they didn't have the others in the series. Nonetheless am super happy with my purchases! Walked about a lot and took different routes back and discovered a lot of streets that I've never seen and also revisited a lot of familiar places. Then it got too cold so I quickly went to Simply to buy some stuff and came back. Was really bored after coming back so went out again to HCo at Rivetoile to try on the shirts so that I could order my size online LOL. Couldn't decide between XS or S but decided to go with the bigger one so that I can wear it more as an outerwear. Then went to Leclerc to get more food and stuff and came back. Ordered my HCo stuff online and basically been procrastinating since then ... and I haven't even had dinner yet. I will read at least half of my Finance notes tonight sigh. I was supposed to have finished revising 2 econ mods by this week! T_T

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