Saturday, March 28, 2015


It's been an overwhelming week, with end of term, B going back, spring week, opera, and LKY's passing at the beginning of the week. I've officially completed my classes for my second year at UCL, completed the spring week that I'd been looking forward to, had the last concert with string orchestra 2 weeks ago, and tonight is the last show for the opera and also my last performance with the symphony orchestra. Now that everything has / is coming to an end I actually feel a bit empty inside, but I guess it must be good if time passed so quickly it must meant that I thoroughly enjoyed everything while they lasted.

Meeting Sabrina and Hue for a quick dinner before the show later, gonna squeeze in some time to practise as well. Next week will be relatively easier and I really need to catch up on my sleep and also sort out my stuff. Will probably update more in detail then. x

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