Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Money Diaries: Day 2


Took the bus to the DLR station instead of walking like I do usually bc it was -3 deg this morning - free bc I have a travel card. I was not ready to leave the house after 2 whole days ... but actually it didn’t feel that bad. The station was really crowded and even the train was more crowded than usual. Actually taking the bus proved to be a really good idea. I’m going to do it until the days get warmer.


Arrive at office. I get some breakfast from the pantry (free).


Lunchtime. Had to call Royal Opera House as T and I have decided on the date to switch the tickets to. Waited about 10 min before finally getting through. It’s £2 to change each ticket so £4.

Went out to buy lunch + had to go to the post office (£2.68). Got a chai soy latte from Starbucks on the way back (free from my health insurance woo!) and got a salad from Tossed as I had a discount code (£4.47).


Home and typing this on my phone (I actually hate using the laptop lol). Was so cold on the way back! And transport was free because of my travel card. The Vitamasques hydro face mask which I did yesterday turned out to be really good and I saw a girl selling one on Depop for less than half the price. £3. But Vitamasques also just sent me an email today with a 40% off code, so I’m quite tempted to order more ... nooooooo.

Also got an email that my VS return from a month ago has been received and processed! -£19.69 ahaha. Currently waiting for my housemate to return home as he offered to cook dinner (thankful for amazing housemates).


Pretty late now, but tonight I managed to video-call my parents for an hour, finished my leftovers from yesterday and K cooked ravioli and pasta so had some of that too. I also managed to sell my American Apparel jeans which I never wore and will never wear on Depop to a really nice girl and hoping it will fit her!! But okay not counting in those amounts like refunds etc bc I'm trying to track my spendings here. But I will have to make another trip to the post office tomorrow again.

On a side note, my Missguided order from yesterday as well as the ASOS order from Saturday have both arrived today, but I haven't had the time to try on anything yet ...

Day 2 total: £14.15

Food/Drink: £4.47
Entertainment: £4
Clothes/Beauty: £3
Travel: £0
Other: £2.68

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